Welcome My Lovelies!!!

I would like to officially say hello from Pilchy (see what I did there ;). Feel free to explore this fantabulous unknown world of fashion, beauty and lifestyle as I try to help hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyou have the most of being a girl. If you like what you see check me out on Lookbook (hellopilchy)

Jewel Hearted

The other day I was shopping with a bestie (as you do) and I came across this shirt thought..."OH! I have a necklace that would look fabulous with this"...and bam! It was my first purchase. So I guess that was my inspiration for this outfit :) .

Okay well this was a more formal dolled up version of me. You will see many more versions of me to come...Hope you enjoyed it! Xoxo Hello Pilchy.
Top - Valley Girl
Necklace - Dissh
Skirt - Mooloola


  1. that's a very pretty shirt! i love the pattern


  2. Thank you! I'll check out your blog :) Check out my lookbook
    I'm wearing:
    Top - Valleygirl
    Skirt - Mooloola
    Necklace - Dissh
